Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Power of a Simple Single Idea

What does everyone get at The Warehouse? That’s right, a bargain.

And why does everyone in New Zealand know that? Because we have all been told many times over the past few years. This demonstrates the power of one single, simple, clear message delivered often, in the same way, over a period of time.

There is one single, simple, clear message you should be giving your staff throughout this year to make your business even more successful:

This is the most important message to give your staff because 100% of your profits come from your customers, as does the money to pay their wages. You and your staff need to be thinking about this single, simple, clear idea constantly because without your customers you would have no business and they would have no jobs.

I know all that seems common sense but usually people think about anything but, “Our customers are our business.” For example, lawyers think about laws, cases and documents; builders think about plans and houses; salespeople think about their products; people in local government think about rules and regulations; librarians think about books; and managers think about processes, policies and profits. It is human nature for people to think about what they do and not who they are doing it for. As a result, not enough time is spent asking questions and listening to understand what the customer is going to do with what we are giving them. It also makes it very hard for us to put ourselves in our customer’s shoes.

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