Sunday 29 May 2011

Turn Your Customers Into Believers

The aim in business is to have profitable customers who stay with you for a long time. After all, if every one of your customers was profitable to you and they all stayed a very long time, you would have an extremely successful business.

The best way to achieve this goal is to turn your customers into believers. Believers buy. Believers come back. And believers tell others.

Getting your customers to believe in you and your products is not an easy task because trust between customers and the companies they deal with is at an all time low.

Certainly, satisfying your customers is not enough to turn them into believers nor is it enough to make them loyal. When you satisfy a customer, you simply give they what they expect. When people just get what they expect, they are not impressed enough to become believers, loyalists or evangelists. Nearly 20 years ago, Xerox did research showing that “Totally satisfied” customers were six times more likely to re-purchase than customers who were simply “satisfied.”

The best way to turn your customers into believers is to create a customer experience so positive, so powerful and so outstanding your customers believe if they did not do business with you, they would be missing out. Then they will trust you. Then they will be loyal. Then they will be evangelists for your business telling others just how fantastic you are.

Best of all, the one thing they will not worry about is price!

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